The Code Sepsis team and a group of simulation experts at UNC Hospitals partnered on April 12 for an educational simulation focused on sepsis recognition and treatment through nurse empowerment and hands-on practice with realistic scenarios. This interprofessional training session focused on communication and identification of barriers to care.
On April 28, the UNC Hospitals New Team released an article describing a recent Code Sepsis simulation. Find the full article here.
May 7th is the third annaul Step on Sepsis 5K, sponsored by Sepsis Alliance, in memory of Jerry Minroe. The honorary chair of this year’s event is UNC School of Nursing and UNCsim’s own Carol Fowler Durham, who nearly lost her life to septic shock in 2010.
The walk will be held at WakeMed Soccer Park, 201 Soccer Park Drive, Cary, NC. For additional details on the walk, check out this link.