The 7th annual Gathering of Healthcare Simulation Technology Specialists (SimGHOSTS) was held August 1-4th at the WakeMed Center for Innovative Learning in Raleigh, North Carolina. Dr Carol F. Durham, UNC Professor of Nursing, Director of the UNC Education-Innovation-Simulation Learning Environment (EISLE), and Past-President of International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) presented the first keynote address to the 200 attendees as well as those joining in via a live stream from the event.
The SimGHOSTS provided the following summary of the presentation: “Carol presented about the creation, evolution, and benefits of the Standards which healthcare simulation champions can utilize to convey to managers, clinical educators, department heads and administrators the best possible guides to creating successful outcomes and programs. From debriefing, to staff, space considerations, outcome identification, methodology selection, and more — the INACSL standard is a MUST-READ for anyone providing healthcare simulation education and training programs. You can download the new Healthcare Simulation standards here on the INACSL website.”
Click on the Youtube recording to view the SimGHOSTS keynote addess.