Dr. Carol Durham, EdD, RN, ANEF, FAAN presented the keynote address and served on a panel this past weekend at the National League of Nursing (NLN) / Boise State University 4th Biennial Simulation Conference. Her presentation was entitled “Simulation and Its Influence on Safe Patient Care”. The panel was an “Ask the Experts” Session generating a ton of excellent discussion on implementation and standardization in simulation.
Dr. Durham is a Professor and Director of the Education-Innovation-Simulation Learning Environment (EISLE) Lab at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Nursing.
The plenary address and another “Ask the Experts” panel member for this event was provided by Dr. William C. McGaghie, Ph.D. Dr. McGaghie is a former UNCsim faculty member and current Professor of Medical Education and Professor of Preventive Medicine at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, Illinois.
Also pictured here is Dr KT Waxman, DNP, MBA, RN, CNL, CENP, CHSE, FSSH, FAAN, Associate Professor, University of San Francisco with panel moderator Dr. Janet Willhaus, PhD, RN, CHSE, who serves as the Facilitator of Simulation Research for the Boise State University Health Science Simulation Center.