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The Department of Anesthesiology hosted a “Family Day Simulation Event” as an outreach program to over 70 non-anesthesia trained children, spouses, partners and parents of our Anesthesiology faculty, CRNAs and residents on Saturday, April 22nd. The purpose of the event was to educate the people who support our anesthesia providers at home to the technical challenges and stresses encountered daily by our anesthesia team in order to improve empathy. The event not only educated family members, but “opened their eyes” to the life of an anesthesia provider.

The event allowed adults and older children to watch an example of a preoperative patient interview, induction of anesthesia and airway management, followed by an intraoperative critical event. Additionally, family members had a chance to actually perform airway management, nerve blocks, and place invasive lines in our #UNCsim task trainers. One parent of an anesthesia provider stated that she “had no idea this is what my daughter did as an Anesthesiologist” with tears in her eyes after observering a simulated critical event performed by the team.

The younger children learned about medicine and anesthesiology by evaluating their stuffed animals and “treating” their injuries, learning about vital signs monitors, performing airway management, and touring the NC Children’s Hospital Pre-op areas.  For our interprofessional team members bringing families, we also discussed ways to reduce waste and select anesthetics to minimize impact on the environment in celebration of Earth Day.

Dr David Zvara, Chair of the Department of Anesthesiology, noted that “this educational format was among the most effective community outreach program sponsored by our Department.” The event was lead by Dr. Susie Martinelli who serves as Chair of the Department’s Wellness Committee and Dr. Robert Isaak who Directs the award winning, Consortium of Anesthesiology and Patient Safety through Experiential Learning (CAPSEL) simulation program.

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