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PedsAnesOSCEfall2015_1The Pediatric Anesthesia Fellowship program held their first Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) on October 20th. This OSCE will be the first of two that will be administered each year going forward.

The Fellows had three mock clinical experiences that involved mixed modality simulations (standardized patients with high-fidelity simulators). The focus of the OSCE was to assess the pediatric anesthesia fellowship milestones.

PedsAnesOSCEfall2015_2The event was organized by Dr Kimberly Blasius, Director of Simulation for NC Children’s Hospital Preoperative Services. This program will also be completed at CHOP for the pediatric anesthesia fellowship program in November. Faculty and organizers for the session included – Drs. Hemanth Baboolal, Benny Joyner, Chetta Lupa, and Matt McDaniel as well as Mr. Gene hobbs and Ms. Julie Messina. Participants included – Drs. Nicole Conrad, Paul Halweg, Eva Waller. The undergraduate “Introduction to Medical Simulation” (CBIO 400) students participated as confederates or as simulation operators for this session as well.

PedsAnesOSCEfall2015_3The pediatric anesthesiology subspecialty fellowship is over 10 years and running! There are currently 3 fellows in the program each year. The pediatric fellowship simulation program was developed 3 years ago and continues to grow each year.

Please contact Dr Blasius for more information.

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