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Anes_Surg_1-23-17_3On January 23rd, the Departments of Anesthesiology and Surgery brought together residents from both programs to pilot an interdisciplinary critical event simulation.

The residents assembled in the Department of Surgery’s Clinical Learning and Research (CLeAR) Center to engage in this exercise evaluating the feasibility of integrating both “fresh tissue” and mannequin based simulation methods to apply both task specific and integrated teamwork skills.

The team began during an open repair for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm case. Two simulations were run that involved critical events. The learner’s utilized TeamSTEPPS communication and crisis resource management tools to address these events.

Anes_Surg_1-23-17_2The faculty conducting the session consisted of Drs. Jason Crowner (Surgery), Rob Isaak (Anesthesia), and Lavinia Kolarczyk (Anesthesia). Assisting the faculty were Mr. Gene Hobbs (Pediatrics & School of Medicine) and Mr. Neal Murty (Surgery).

Looking forward to further collaborations from these #UNCsim teams!

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