The Duke | UNC Interprofessional Education Collaborative held the second event at the Duke University School of Nursing (DUSON) on April 18th.
The event began with a welcome to the Duke campus from the School of Medicine Associate Dean of Education and Chairman of Ophthalmology, Dr. Ed Buckley. Drs. Mary Holtschneider and Margie Molloy welcomed the group and gave introductory remarks on the flow of the workshop before leading a “telephone” communication game to get the teams moving.
This was followed by the VA Medical Center Simulation Fellows, Dr Gattan and Ms Koch, providing an review of TeamSTEPPS and the SPIKES Protocol before team members split to perform simulations.
The simulations sessions were each lead by two facilitators and one “guru”. The cases involved interactions with a standardized patient in a longitudinal case format. The teams were comprised of interprofessional clinicians each performing in their own role (or in some cases a role they once held).
The event was well received and resulted in many opportunities for future collaborations. Janelle Bludorn, PA-C, described her learning from the event:
The two biggest “aha!” moments for me during the Duke-UNC IPE event were the SPIKES review and our breakout group’s discussion on debriefing.
I was familiar with the SPIKES protocol for breaking bad news as a clinician, but the way in which Adrienne Koch framed it with an interprofessional focus was truly valuable. I am hopeful to integrate her approach into a standardized patient experience for the UNC PA students during the summer semester.
Debriefing any experience (simulation or not) can be intimidating for the facilitator and participants alike. One piece of advice that I received during our small group discussion was particularly striking: “You can’t debrief everything. But you have to debrief the things that matter.”
The announcement on Duke AHEAD’s site can be found here.